



安装SQL server 出现syntax error的解决方法

    一日安装SQL server,因为电脑之前安装的是Win2K server,所以习惯性地安装SQL server 2000的标准版,结果发现当前的系统Win2k professional不支持标准版,只得作罢。
等到安装SQL server 2000个人版的时候,想着尝试高级设置,居然失败,提示为SQL redist,想到这电脑由于直接在崩溃的系统上安装的,连之间的系统文件多保留着,有些害怕了,当时省事情,现在可麻烦了,连.net多安装了两次才成功,晕啊!
于是重来过,选择常规模式安装,结果同样的地方同样的错误.command line syntax error,这下有些傻了,难道win2k连个人版也不支持,这个不可能,再来呗,折腾啊,还是失败。去Down 4IN1,尝试其它的Sql server版本,找了很久网上居然多是骗子,下不了啊。于是乎老老实实地想个办法解决这个电脑的实际问题,毕竟以前安装是可以的。
再者说SQL server就是很BT的东东,曾经有个师兄自己的电脑由于安装SQL server失败之后居然永远没有安装成功过SQL server,Sigh……,自己也有过安装三次才发现SQL是安装好了,可是程序中没有,自己对应着别的电脑一个个通过MMC,Help建立起快捷方式,总之对SQL的安装有些阴影。
于是上网,猛搜SQL server Setup redist syntax error,没一个符合偶的要求,没一个是讲Sql 安装的,最像的就是:(from Microsoft support)
When you install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) on your computer, you may receive the following error message:
SQL Redist
content: Command line option syntax error. Type Command /? for Help.
If you click OK in the message box, the installation of SQL Server 2000 SP3 may complete successfully. However, the Sqlredist.exe program may not have run successfully during the installation of SQL Server 2000 SP3. This problem may occur if all the following conditions are true:
You run the SQL Server 2000 SP3 Setup.bat file from a folder that contains double-byte character set (DBCS) characters in the folder name.
An ODBC clIEnt program that uses the Sqlsrv32.dll file is running on your computer.
Additionally, if you install the MS03-033 security update for Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) on your computer after this problem occurs, the SQL Server Agent service may not start successfully, and you may receive the following error message:
Unable to load SQL Server ODBC driver resource DLL. The application cannot continue.
    突然很奇怪,为什么会是语法错误,也许是空间的问题,也许是文件夹名称的问题,但是在《sql server 2000 标准版 以及补丁》这样的文件夹下的安装文件在以前照样可以使用,也许是该分区的空余太少了,实在太少了,因此就删除了一个文件,同时将文件提出至根目录,安装,成功,binggo!
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