本帖最后由 fate_knight 于 2021-12-29 20:12 编辑
1.提示该报错信息 客户机系统必须是win10,而且要是win10版本大于等于1809
2.Callstack: 618194问题
这种情况遇到的人比较多,下列解决办法不一定适用于所有人。尝试以下方法试试。 1:关闭游戏,或者关闭游戏加速器或其他监测软件试试。 2.缺少文件,在服务端完全修复或者重新下载该游戏资源,重启客户机后重新进入游戏看一下。 3.序章闪退问题 如果在序章中闪退,直接跳过序章就可以了,暂时只有这个办法。
1.提示中存在your video device is dying slowly, replace it.
显卡配置太低(GTX960M这种八成跑不了,显存2G太低了)。GeForce GTX 1050 3 GB or AMD Radeon™ RX 560 4 GB 显卡起码的要求。
2.提示中存在your video drivers are corrupt, re-install them from your PC/Laptop makers website.
3.提示中存在if you have a PC and you know what you're doing, open up the bonnet and check the power connections to your video device - re-seat if necessary. Also clean out (with compressed air) your power supply.
4.提示中存在if your PC is quite old, your power supply may be on its way to the great power supply bone yard - have it checked out;
5.提示中存在If you're playing games, turn the qualoty from high down to medium or low to take stress off your video card.